Monday 29 April 2013

Random musings of a concerned Nigerian Youth

Of all the continents of the world Africa and South America are the most religious, but Africa is the most impoverished of all continents. We are blessed with Natural resources but corruption and nepotism has subjugated the commonwealth of the masses into the pockets of a microscopic few. Am an advocate of prayer, but I don't think the case of Nigeria is about prayer, hardly can u travel a mile without praying cos the roads are so bad, even the airwaves are not better, Kwame Nkrumah quoted from Psa 68 when opening the OAU headquarters in Adis Ababa "He said Ethiopia(Africa) shall raise her hands to God" but up till today the African terrain is plagued by corruption and all sorts of ungodly acts. In Nigeria the government is insensitive to the plights of the masses, in borno state human beings are being killed like mosquitos, yet the Nigerian government is almost doing Nothing. We were all witnesses to the aftermath of the boston bombing that killed 3 people, the US government swung into action and nabbed the suspects, but in Nigeria they would av been chased around with Amnesty coupled with setting up several useless committees to look into the matter. No serious plan in place for the Youths, inflation at an alarming rate and yet you think its prayers that will solve the problem of insecurity? I don't think so, America today is not safe because of prayers alone, its more because of the hardwork and discipline on the path of their security outfits. even the government that is supposed to be the hope of the masses is riddled with corruption and tribalism, in the words of late Chinua Achebe "when things fall apart the center holds no more" as I always said we can can pray from now till thy kingdom come, as long as we don't couple our prayers with works we aren't going anywhere. Jesus said in the holy book "Faith without works is dead" so far as the government is not working and the masses are not complaining and protesting, I don't think we are going anywhere. Ironically we are always told "don't compare Nigeria with America" that America has been independent more than a century before Nigeria, but with the way nigeria is going I don't think we can be like america even in a millennium, so far as we engage in mere rehetorics without performance. Pls note. This is just a random musing of a psychology student and a concerned Nigerian youth. May God help us.

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