Tuesday 12 March 2013

Ahmadinejad under fire for hugging chavez mother

Senior Iranian clerics have scolded President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for consoling Hugo
Chavez's mother with a hug — a physical contact
considered a sin under Iran's strict Islamic codes.
The rebuke follows a widely published photo
showing Ahmadinejad embracing Chavez's
mother at the funeral of the late Venezuelan
president in what is seen as taboo-breaking
behaviour in Iran, reports The Associated Press.
Iranian papers on Tuesday cited clerics from the
religious centre of Qom who described the hug as
"forbidden," inappropriate behaviour and
"clowning around."
Iran's strict Islamic codes prohibit physical
contact between unrelated members of the
opposite sex, reports The Associated Press.
The clerics did not spare Ahmadinejad.
"Touching a non-mahram (a woman who is not a
close relative) is forbidden under any
circumstances, whether shaking hands or
touching by the cheek," said one of the clerics,
Mohammad Taqi Rahbar, adding that such a
contact, even with "an older woman is not
allowed ... and contrary to the dignity of the
president of the Islamic Republic of Iran."
Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi, Iran's former
judiciary chief and a religious leader in Qom, said
Ahmadinejad was "clowning around" and his hug
shows he failed to "protect the dignity of his
nation and his position."
The clerics were also outraged by Ahmadinejad's
letter of condolence to Venezuelans and their
interim leader Nicolas Maduro because the Iranian
president had described Chavez as a "martyr"
who will be resurrected and who will return to
Earth along with Jesus Christ and Imam Mahdi, a
9th century saint revered by Shiite Muslims.
"Your knowledge of religious issues is limited and
no intervention could be made in this matter,"
said Yazdi, addressing Ahmadinejad directly.
Iranian Vice President Mohammad Reza
Mirtajeddini, a cleric who accompanied
Ahmadinejad to Venezuela and stood by as the
Iranian president hugged Chavez's mother at the
funeral last week in Caracas had initially tried to
deny the story, saying the photo was a fake.
Yazdi also scolded Mirtajeddini: "You are a cleric
and you wear the clerical robe ... you should not
deny what happened."
The uproar surrounding the hug has given
Ahmadinejad's conservative opponents fodder to
criticize him, three months ahead of the June
presidential elections.
Ahmadinejad can't run in the elections due to
term limits under Iran's constitution but is
seeking to get a protege into the race.
For their part, Iranian reformists ridiculed
Ahmadinejad for weeping at Chavez's funeral.
Culled from vanguard

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